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3 items found for ""

  • Pharma Companies Access Challenges

    When we think in access of medications and treatment as patients or consumers we think in how to reach, pay and maintain. Based on that, Pharma Companies need to reinvent theirselves looking for solutions that allow patients and consumers no only to reach medication and treatment but also to accomplished them. That said, having the capacity to reach, pay and complete their treatments.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry transformation

    Since 10 years ago Pharmaceutical Industry has started a transformation process in two aspects: digitalization and specialization. Regarding digitalization, Pharma Industry has adopted or included several digital tools to reach either their internal and external customers. One of those tools is Veeva, which is a powerful CRM with a huge of options to follow your sales force team and also to have customer information as a small example of its capabilities. Besides, technology tools has allowed to reach customers, patients and clients expanding coverage and giving more access to information in real time. Go through specialization, Pharma Industry has been changing the got to market model moving from primary care portfolios to specialized portfolio. There are some reasons to do that, but two of them are strong impact of generics that affect primary care portfolio innovation and maintenance and for the other hand specialized portfolios are paid by governments and use to manage high costs. Based on those aspects, Pharma Industry are oriented to technology with a strong digitalization and also to specialized products.

  • Access Industry Challenges

    Pharmaceutical industry faces strong challenges in terms of generate access for patients and customers to their treatment and medication that nowadays are being affected by lack of accomplishment due to several factors such as pricing, adherence and innovation among others.

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